Saturday, January 2, 2016

Happy New Year!

"Whatever life throws at us, 
our individual responses will be 
all the stronger 
for working together
 and sharing the load." 
-Quote by Queen Elizabeth II

How true is this. 

Let us, in this brand new year, 
look forward 
to working together in our communities,
 our work places, 
and especially in our own homes.

This is a New Year:

New opportunities are coming for us. 

Let us go for them with our minds saying, 
'We can make it work.' 

If in 2015, things didn't work out, 
like we expected,
 let us all say, 
with God's help, 
and a little more effort: 

'Things will work out for us in 2016".

My grandfather told me:

"Be positive, 
and have a mind to work."

This, I believe, will be a good and prosperous year for us all.

 Remember to put God first by attending church on Sunday. 

Happy New Year, Everyone!

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