Sunday, May 15, 2011

Milk Into Babies

"'There is no finer investment for a community than putting milk into babies.' --- Winston Churchill" --- Winnipeg Free Press Sunday May 10th 2011

Milk is a universal, essential substance for all newborns. Yes, but not only for these little ones, we all need milk.

The Bible says in 1st Corinthians 3:2 - that we start off in our lives with only milk. When we first start learning about God we start our spiritual lives with, as the Bible calls it "the milk of the Word." Like the newborn baby we all need someone to come along side us who have a genuine interest in our spiritual welfare, our prayers, and our wholeness in Christ.

Like Winston Churchill; lets keep our communities strong with this most essential substance called "milk". And let those who are called to come alongside people, become more involved in our community with such things as kindness and compassion which are also the most important ingredients of the substance called the "Milk of the Word."