Monday, May 21, 2012



“A big part of being a successful manager is making people feel good about themselves, and their company. It should come as no surprise that if people feel good about themselves, they are motivated to solve problems, and go if they are excited about their work they will look for better ways to get things done on their own, rather than having to be prodded.” The quote from the Winnipeg Free Press in an article entitled “People Power” by Jan Spark.

Jesus wants you to feel good about yourself through His cleansing power to take away sin and His motivating power, which is constrained in his promise of life more abundant. We can be constantly excited about life and our daily work.

We can experience spiritual people power!!

Laughter part 2

Laughter Part 2

“If you can laugh even in the worst moments one second, healing has started. Laughter is God given.” That quote from Joan Rivers at her April 15, 1997 appearance in Winnipeg and, this is how she summed up her attitude towards adversity: “Get through it, let yourself laugh. Loss is loss is loss. I’m here to tell you, you have to get through it.” The Bible says: “a merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” Proverbs 17:22

Ann Landers in her column says – “Dear readers: swim more rivers, climb more mountains, kiss more babies, count more stars, laugh more and cry less… Life must be lived as we go along.”

I think so, don’t you?



Lloyd Robertson, the newscaster, was recently quoted in Maclean’s as saying, “I have seen people be destroyed in this business because of their ego. They get what they think is power, but you’ve got to see yourself as part of a team.”

As God’s servant we, too, must always think of ourselves as part of a team.

“I have planted, Apollos waterreth, but God gave the increase.

“So then neither is he that planteth anything. Neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.

“For we are laborers together with God.” 1 Cor: 3:6,7.

Don’t let your ego run you.



The Bible says in Proverbs 17:22 “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.”

There is evidence that laughter or a merry heart stimulates the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkiller,” says Dr. Max Beerbohn.

A recent report in the Medical Post details the work done by a therapeutic clown. Langdon the clown wearing a curly bright blue wig and a matching blue mustache greatly amazes the doctors in his efforts to relieve stress in children.

Laughter provides a vigorous workout for abdominal and chest muscles.

Laughter can also be used to gain control over pain.

Let us all start enjoying life a little more with a little laughter.

Mothers Day

Mothers Day

In John chapter nineteen verse 26, 27 Jesus as He was still hanging on the cross said to his mother  “woman behold they son!” Then he said to the disciple standing by whom he loved “Behold thy mother!” Here is Jesus in great agony, knowing his mother would be grieving after His death, gave the disciples whom He loved the responsibility of looking after his mother.
What love! Now she also then would be looking after --- (we all assume) John.
The joy of giving is one of the greatest joys.

            Psalm 113 verse 9 says, “He marketh the women to keep house and to be a joyful mother, grandmother, great grandmother, and some the joy of being a great – great grandmother of children.