Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Wise Little Bird

One day a naturalist was trveling through the forest of South America.

A naturalist is someone who studies birds, plants, and animals.

He sat down to eat his lunch and suddenly heard the cries of a bird, which was fluttering over a leafy spot. He figured that's where his nest must be.

The bird was in great distress. Of course the naturalist was curious to know what all this fuss was about.

Then he saw it. Creeping slowly along towards the tree he saw one of the most venomous snakes in South America. His small glittering eyes were fixed on the birds' nests and his forked tongue darted quickly out and in; as though anticipating his prey.

Presently he saw an unusual thing take place.

The bird flew quickly away hither and thither as though in search of something.

In a few moments he saw him return with a small twig covered with leaves in his beak. Perched over the nest, he laid the twig carefully across it, covering his mate and her young completely. The little father bird had been shown by God what to do and do it quickly without delay. Then, taking his place on one of the top branches of the tree, he seemed to grow quieter and calmer.

And there awaited the approach of the enemy.

He was sure the protection he had given his little family would work.

By this time the snake had reached the tree, and bent upon his object he twisted himself around the trunk and begun climbing up, up, up.

Then, gliding along a branch, he came close to the nest.

He lifted his venomous head, ready to dart upon the poor bird. His small glittering eyes watched the nest a moment, and then -- throwing his head back, as if he had recieved a sudden blow.

The snake turned around, and as fast as possible, made his way back down the tree and disappeared in the tall grass.

You can imagine how curious the naturalist felt as to the cause of this. He could not understand why the snake had turned back from his prey at the very moment it seemed in his power. Nor could he understand the quietness of the father bird, who until his enemy departed showed no sign of emotion and NOW,

Sang a song, a rapturous song of praise!

He climbed up the tree and examined the little broken branch the leaves of which were curious in shape and color. He carried it home and told the whole story to a friend, showing him the branches. His friend explained that the leaf plucked off by the father bird to protect his family was poisonous to the snake. The snake never touches this leaf!

Just like that little bird we too have an enemy; the old devil, or the serpent.

Revelation 20:2

But God has provided a way.
Psalms 32:1
Blessed is the man whose sin is covered because his transgression is forgiven.

1 John 1:7
But the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from all sin.

Just like that little bird went and got the leaf, so we must by faith recieve his forgiveness or protection.
John 1:12
But as many as recieved Him, to them gave He the power to become the sons of God.

Just like that dear little bird applied that protection, we too can be protected by the word of God. By having on the whole armour of God.

Just like the little bird we too can sing a rapturous song of praise unto our God. A good way to start your day, right?

Thursday, March 14, 2013

We All Have Something To Give

           What a wonderful thrill it was greeting my daughter as she was returning home from Uganda, Africa. With my two grandchildren we all hugged her. That I liked, wouldn't you?

           I have already seen some of her many pictures she took while in Uganda. You've guessed it; one of them is a lion, an elephant, a giraffe and a hippo; not to mention a picture one took of her holding a baby monkey. Wow!

            While in Uganda, she had the opportunity to help build, along with many others, a classroom in an orphanage called Laminadera. Laminadera is in a city in Uganda named Gulu; which is like a village - with schools, homes and churches.

           This was built early in mornings, as the afternoons were too hot.
I also liked the picture of her feeding these two babies. Each one looked so bright, happy and healthy.

            Then she went on a trip to London, England, where she admired the sights and sounds of the country. While walking on the streets of London, she took a couple of pictures for her daughter's "Street Style". I can't wait to see them. Look at the "Focus" page of the Winnipeg Free Press, you will find all this. Believe me, it will be good.

           What an encouraging thought to know by having a willing heart ready and willing to help others, our daughter was able to help build ,in a small way, a better life for some of the children in Uganda, Africa.

           The bible tells us to do good to all men, especially unto them of the household of faith.
Galations 6:10.

          What a privilage we all have to be able to give in other ways to the needy of this world.  Let's keep giving. We all have something to give right?


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Leave your Water Pot and GO!

        In the New Testament John chapter four verse seven to thirty we read of an exciting conversation between Jesus and a Samaritan woman. 
        Jesus had just come to a well, actually Jacob’s well. Well bring tired, Jesus sat down. When this Samaritan woman came by to draw water, Jesus said to her,
“Give me a drink”. 
     The conversation continues and Jesus says to her,
“Whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him
shall never thirst;
but the water that I shall give to him shall be in him a well of water
springing up into everlasting life.”
       In verse fifteen the Samaritan woman said, “Give me this water that I thirst not, neither come here to draw water.” 
     Then the Samaritan woman found out this was the prophet, the Messiah, for he had told her she had five husbands and the one she now had was not her husband. Verse twenty-six to twenty-eight and twenty-nine:
Jesus said to her,
“’I that speak unto thee am he." 
The woman left her water pot and went into the city and said to the men, ‘Come see a man which hath told me all things that ever I did; is this not the Christ?’” 
My meditation is this; the Sea of Galilee flows into the Jordan River to the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea has NO outlet  - the water becomes polluted (dirty and filthy). The Samaritan woman left her water pot and began to witness to the men of the city. This witnessing became the woman of Samaritan’s outlet. The outlet of her telling others about the Messiah became her well of water springing up unto everlasting life. 
In verse thirty-nine it says,
“And many of the Samaritans believed on him,
 for the saying of the woman, which testified,
‘He told me all that ever I did.’”  
Let’s all leave whatever is hindering us from witnessing about our Lord and Savior and like the woman of Samaria go out and witness. Leave our water pots and go!