Friday, November 16, 2012

What do You Value?

        Many are happy with a brand new car, a healthy baby, a new home, a cottage on the lake. To some of you it may be a new job starting a new career.

        The people on the East Coast however, are not feeling like that these days. After loosing their homes to flooding, with no heat, and no electricity.

        This is bad. But what about our values? Are they linked to our things we possess, such as our jobs, and our careers?

Yes, they are.

        It had been said: You are happiest when are living out what you value.

        In Psalms 119 verse 11, it says:

"Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee."

        This is our most essential value  - the spiritual value. In this case we all should be praying for these precious people by sending donations and in any way we can help them.

        With all that has happened, let us keep our most essential value the Word of God.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Faith in our Journey

     The story of Ruth, found in, of course, the Book of Ruth, is an exciting, intriguing story about her life.

     Imagine for a moment, the determination it must have taken to go with Naomi, her mother-in-law. That strength and courage showed as she arrived back in Bethlehem to that house.

     Go with me as she deligently works in Boaz's field, not knowing all the great adventure she would have.

     It wasn't long before she married Boaz and had little Obed.

     But what would have happened if Ruth had not listened to her inner-self?

     The calling, that sixth sence; letting the love of God shine through her.

     In Ruth Chapter two, verse two, Ruth said,

"Let me now go to the field and glean ears of corn after him (Boaz), in whose sight I shall find grace." And Naomi said, "Go my daughter."

     I like when Ruth said I shall find grace in Boaz's eyes. That is what faith is all about.

     Let's take courage and faith in our journey with Him.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Remembrance Morn

I have heard of a story, of war years ago.
I was not alive then, distance of time I know.

I have heard the beg pipes, that sound for the lives,
I stand in the crowd of the people who know their given rights.

I heard of the beginning, the middle and the end.
I have seen the sorrow in the eyes of the fighting men.

I have heard of the victory, the freedom that was born.
And I will say thank you, in silence; this remembrance morn.
