Friday, December 11, 2015

Loving in Your Heart

'The more anger towards the past you carry in your heart,
 the less capable you are of loving in the present.'

Quote by Barbara De Angelis (King Features Syndicate.)

What a very serious and provoking saying.

The Bible says in Proverbs Chapter 3 verse 7:
For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he. 

Matthew 15:19 says:
 For out of the heart proceed 
evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. 

These are things that defile a man; making him less capable of loving in the present. 

Proverbs 4:23 says, quoted by Jesus, 
 "Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.

And Matthew 12:34 says:
 For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.

    First, before all this, we must believe that God's word tells us: 

"If ye declare with your mouth Jesus is Lord, 
and Believe in your heart that God raised him (Jesus) from the dead, 
you will be saved. 
(Romans 10:9)

    Listen to Proverbs Chaper 19 verse 11: 
The discretion of a man defereth his anger. 

    Out of the heart flows all the issues of life. 

After giving our lives to the Lord Jesus, 
we now can allow God to help us learn how to master our anger.

It's letting our discretion defer our anger. 

Now think of it - that's God's way.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Like a Palm Tree

The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree. 

Psalm 92:12

He shall grow like a tree in Lebanon.

They say a palm tree grows from the inside out. 

The bible says: 
Out of the belly (or out of the heart) 
shall flow rivers of living water. 

-John 7:38

Out of the heart or inside out, shall flow our relationship with God. 

An extraordinary one is my desire. 

Why compromise with mediocrity 
when God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit 
were brought together 
to make God personal to you and me? 

A palm tree can be well over sixty feet high 
with branches spreading out a great distance. 

We too can grow in God by believing and reporting God's Word in our hearts. 

Matthew 19:26 says: With God all things are possible to him that believes.

I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me. - Philippians 13.  

Our spiritual branches will be spread out. 
We will grow tall and our roots will be strong like a palm tree.
God definitely does work through the trials in our lives.
 He's slowly shaping me and my family into tree lights for His Glory. Praise God!

By renewing our minds on the inside He is teaching many people on the outside.

Let us therefore keep renewing our minds
 so we can help many more people that will grow in the Lord.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

In a Day that is Drizzly

We can see beauty in a day that is drizzly again;
 like a lot of circumstances, we have to make an effort to see the beauty.

There is truly beauty in a day that is drizzly.

You may say, I cannot see the beauty. 
But God has said to take the good with the bad. 

We know it won't last. Tomorrow will come with its sunshine, laughter, and peace.

Don't allow the drizzle to cramp your day.

It may not be what you would like, but God can turn it around for the good.

Look around, and make someone's life a blessing, 
cheer them up, it's amazing what it will do.

In the spiritual, we also need the spiritual rain. 

 There are times to stop and allow God to pour out; 
not always his blessings; 
but we need to be disciplined as well, 
so we can see beauty in the way God is disciplining us.

Let us not be in a hurry to see His beauty. 

There was beauty in the way God dealt with Job.

Job didn't see it all at first, but kept on being himself. 
We can actually say in the end, after much distress, Job came out and saw
 the beauty in the drizzle of the rain.

Let's all be encouraged today and let God show us the drizzle in the rain.

Stay Strong

When Joshua was by Jericho, it tells us in Joshua 5:13-15, 
 that he didn't know he would encounter such a sight. 

What a surprise he received that day --- 
a man with a drawn sword. 

Would he do like he did -- talk to him?

Now Joshua was no ordinary person, he knew he could succeed
 with God by his side and a great deal of persistence.

As we read on, we find Joshua talking and like a reporter, taking down notes -

1. Humility was big for Joshua, and like you and I, should be big in our lives.

2. He stopped and worshiped God.

3. He asked God (Commander of Army) what he should do.

This was no small matter for Joshua.
 Thank God for men like Joshua. 

Let's be more like him!

The bible says in the Old Testament that the victory was their's. 

Years ago, I didn't realize what the Commander of the Lord's Army meant
 when he said "NO" to the question, 
Are you for us or are you against us?

Now, I think he meant it's up to you, make up your own mind.

First, you and I need to know God is for us, not against us.

No matter what we have said done, 
God is always for us!

Let's keep remembering I'm always for you even in the most trying and difficult situations.

We may wonder why God was using a drawn sword?
Was it to draw Joshua's mind to take his attention off himself 
and on to the battle that was to be?

Yes, I think so.

I read in the Winnipeg Free Press by Og Mandino -
Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. 

What do you think of that?

I think it is very good.

Let's stay strong.  

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Light in Darkness

Light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehend it not. 
John 1:5

Think of all the darkness or any evil force that has come against us.

It is only as we put our faith and trust in Him, letting God's light shine though us, 
that we are able to defeat the darkness or evil force that has come against us. 

The bible says in Ephesians 3:18
that we may be able to comprehend with all the saints 
what is the breadth and length and depth and height of the
 love of Christ,
and to know the love of Christ.

The love of Christ has no length, no depth, and no height, and no breadth 
that his light cannot shine though.
And that same light that shines in darkness can shine bright 
in every area of our lives,
putting out that evil force of darkness.

The early church in the book of Acts tells us 
how these twelve disciples let God's love flow through them. 

Each of them had a great testimony of this love.

Can we do the same in this Twenty-First Century? 

The answer  --- Are we willing to pay the price, go the second mile?

God is encouraging us today to let our light shine bright. 

All these forces of darkness cannot stop God from His work in our lives. 

Let this darkness not stop us from continuing the desire to fulfill
 the purpose for which we were created. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Mother's Day Love

One of my old hymns that I loved playing and singing was,
 "What a friend we have in Jesus."

The hymn says;
 With all our grief and sins to bear.
 What a privilege to carry everything to the Lord in prayer. 

What a great truth of being able to carry everything to God in prayer. 

Now, as I look back over the many years of singing
 and believing the words of the hymn,
 I am so very grateful. 

How I have focussed many times on Him,
 taking my attention off myself, 
and placing it on the one who sacrificed 
His great love for me.

This has enriched my life many times.

Take courage.

 He will do the same for you. 

Just give him your time, 
and see the many ways 
He will make your life such a blessing, 
that you and your children and grandchildren
 will benefit from seeing a big change in you.

I believe this change in you and in your family 
will develop into an expereince so wonderful 
you will all have a 
very happy Mother's Day.

Don't forget to thank your mother
 for all the many wonderful things she has done over the year.

2 Timothy one verse five tells us that 
Timothy had a godly mother and a wonderful grandmother. 
They showed much love toward Timothy,
and it showed in his life. 

Let's be thankful for our prayer warriors of the faith.

Have a Happy Mother's Day!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Love of the Cross

As I was contemplating on what to write,
 I couldn't think of anything better than what just happened to me.

Here it is: 
The other day, as I was preparing a meal, I started to cry,
 and then I was screaming louder and louder. 

I made a cup of tea and went into the other room,
 while I was soon to feel God's powerful love flowing (as it was) all over me.

 The room was filled with His glory 
and the presence of Jesus was felt so strong.

 what love 
he showed me
 that day!

Now, I know God allowed Jesus to go to the cross to bear my sins,
 my iniquities, 
all my sorrows. 

The fact that I was crying because
 I had lost my oldest daughter, Charlotte Mae, many years ago. 

Now as never before, do I realize that Jesus went to the cross, 
taking all of this pain and suffering that Charlotte Mae had so patiently taken. 

This I believe is the meaning of the cross for me. 

Can this also be a very happy remembrance of the cross for you and your family?

Let's do our best to spread the Good News 
His great love.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

A Little Knowledge

'A little Knowledge that acts is worth
 more than much knowledge that is idle'. (Khalil Gibran).

The Bible says in James 4:17:
He that knoweth to do good but doeth it not to him it is sin.

How about you and me?

Is there something we can do to help or even change the situation? 
Could it be God speaking to us, and perhaps many more,
 to speak out and take action?

Let's be an innovator,
 like the apostle Paul who wrote, 

Don't copy the behaviour
 and customs of this world, but let God transform
 you into a new person by changing the way - you think.

That is taken from "Our Daily Bread" (by David Mc Casland.)

In Romans, the Apostle Paul's words were,

 "Not conformed to this world;
 but be you transformed 
by the renewing of your mind, 
that you may prove what is that good, 
and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Now, that's a good way to think.

An Apple a Day

You have heard, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."

Have you ever taken an apple and sliced it,
watching while you cut it to see how far down the stem goes?

Wow, you say. That's all that holds an apple up on the branch. 

While the winds blew and blew, the apple stayed on the branch.

Did you know the apple is staying on for a great purpose? 
That of receiving its nuourishment.

First, it is very tiny, 
and then gets bigger and bigger, till it is full grown.

How interesting. 

Also, did you know where the apple gets its nourishment?
 Yes, it is the stem, the smallest part of the tree, 
then the branch 
and then a bigger branch
 and then the trunk of the tree
 all play an important task of taking the food (apple food) 
to the apple, through the stem.

The sun and the rain also played a very important part 
in the growth of the apple.

We read that Jesus said:

You are the apple of my eye.

Think on that one.

Proverbs 1 verse 2:

Keep my commandments and live; and my law as the apple of thine eye.

Psalms 17 verse 8:

Keep me as the apple of the eye, 
hide me under the shadow of thy wings.

Zechariah 2 verse 8:

He that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.

Let's enjoy our fruit.

Just Keep Going

Living our lives with a purpose.

Living our lives to please God.

Be not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

-Romans 12:21

This can be done with oil in our vessels 
or with the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 6:4 says:

We were buried with Him
 through baptism into death, 
that just as Christ was raised from the dead
 by the glory of the father, 
even some also should walk
 in the newness of life.

Now you do those things that lead to holiness
 and result in eternal life.

Being hard pressed on every side,
 yet not crushed.

2 Corinthians 4:8

When we have the power of God 
developing within us 
we can survive our challenges.

We must never give up. 
Christ will always be there for us, 
especially when we keep going.

Just  keep going!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Stay Contented

Focusing our minds on the things we do have,
 will cause us to become more thankful.

Learning to be content 
with what we do have
 is of great value.

Remembering it's what we have,
not what we want,
 is the key.

Hebrews 13:5 says:
Let your conversation be without covetousness;
and be content with such things 
as ye have:
for he hath said,

"I will never leave thee,
nor forsake thee."

By being content,
 with ourselves and others,
God will always be with us.

Now isn't that rewarding?

Let's stay contented.

The Path Chosen For Us

Let us remember 
that God has given us 
and every one of us 
and a great depth of love, 
 and the ability to do a work 
that he has already called us to do.

By spending time each day doing good,
 visiting the sick,
 seeking Him 
in everything we do. 
Praying always for our families and friends.

We will be well able.

The devil would like us to think
 we can do all this work on our own;
 tempting us so he can destroy the very foundations 
of our faith in God. 

Ephesians 6:10-18

Just like God provided this great work for us to do,
 we will, 
in His strength 
and time,
 be able to accomplish the task
 as we continue on the path he has chosen for us.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Homemade Valentine

I received the most beautiful
and as one of my friend's said, 'very pretty' Valentine's card
from my daughter, Ruth.

On this card was written -- 'The most beautiful paths are winding'. 

This very week as I was cleaning up, I found a little Valentine's card as well, from my oldest granddaughter and that she had also made, signed by her mother, Charlotte. 

What a great surprise both of these were!

Nothing like homemade!

This is Valentine's Day. 

In the past, people believed that the mind should rule the heart. 
But science has now discovered the opposite to be true. 

'Who we are and who we become - depends in part, on whom we love.'

Deuteronomy 6:5 says: 
You shall love the Lord, your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 

Not until the Gospels of Mark and Luke do we learn that Jesus added the word 'mind'. 
(Mark 12:30 and Luke 10:27)

So scientists are just now discovering what the Word of God (the Bible) tought all along. 

Saying I love you, is wonderful. 
And we all appreciate these words. 
But putting our hands, our minds, our souls and our hearts 
to work; 
we are truly saying ---

And let's face it, that is homemade!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Think On These Things

It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult undertaking 
which more than anything else, 
will determine its successful outcome."  

- Quote from William James.

The apostle, Paul, wrote in Philippians 3:4-8:

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, 
whatsoever things are honest, 
whatsoever things are just, 
whatsoever things are pure, 
whatsoever things are lovely, 
whatsoever things are of a good report;
 if there be any virture, and if there be any praise, 
think on these things. Or meditate on these things.

Here we find that the quote from WIlliam James 
and what the apostle Paul said,
quoting from the book of Philippians, Chapter three verses four to eight, 
talking about a very difficult situation,
 it truly is our attitude our mind set, 
that will determine its successful outcome.