Sunday, November 9, 2014

For the Fallen

You don't choose your family.
They are God's gift to you;
 as you are to them.

Desmond Tutu (Winnipeg Free Press)

For the Fallen

     They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old: 
Age shall not weary them at the going down of the sun, 
and in the morning, we will remember them.

     In my husband's family, one of his brothers went to war as a stretcher bearer. He was strong, healthy, and had a good personality. Off to war he went. Never to return.

     In my family, because my father was a school teacher, and his brothers were doctors and the other was a judge, they stayed to their studies with no war time for them. They didn't choose their family.

     As I read this morning of God's provision for some of these men, of how they went to war, sending home love letters to their sweethearts while in the thows of great discomfort; I
tried to hold back the tears from my eyes.

    I couldn't imagine all they were going through. 
    In the long run, these men were God's gift to all of us.

   Imagine these ladies recieving a letter, a note, long or short. The excitement it must have given. What a gift!

     Let us truly remember them.

     Let's meditate on good thoughts.
     Thus giving back to them and our ongoing families a better world now and later.

    Lest we forget.

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