At the funeral of former U.S. first lady, Betty Ford, her son Steven said, "She was the comfort, and she was the first one there to put her arms around you. Nineteen years ago, when I went through my alcoholism, my mother...gave me one of the greatest gifts, and that was how to surrender to God, and to accept the grace of God in my life.
And truly in her arms I felt like the prodigal son coming home, and I felt God's love through her. And that was a good gift."
Steven Flood concluded his tribute with the words, "Thank you, Mom, for loving us, loving your husband, loving us kids, loving the nation, with the heart of God."
This is a quote taken from "Our Daily Bread," written by David Mc Casland:
"Truly Steven Ford gave us all one of the greatest sermons ever ministered. Thank you, Steven, that really spoke to my heart."
What's so amazing about all this is that we all should be more thankful and speaking well of our families.
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