Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Light in Darkness

Light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehend it not. 
John 1:5

Think of all the darkness or any evil force that has come against us.

It is only as we put our faith and trust in Him, letting God's light shine though us, 
that we are able to defeat the darkness or evil force that has come against us. 

The bible says in Ephesians 3:18
that we may be able to comprehend with all the saints 
what is the breadth and length and depth and height of the
 love of Christ,
and to know the love of Christ.

The love of Christ has no length, no depth, and no height, and no breadth 
that his light cannot shine though.
And that same light that shines in darkness can shine bright 
in every area of our lives,
putting out that evil force of darkness.

The early church in the book of Acts tells us 
how these twelve disciples let God's love flow through them. 

Each of them had a great testimony of this love.

Can we do the same in this Twenty-First Century? 

The answer  --- Are we willing to pay the price, go the second mile?

God is encouraging us today to let our light shine bright. 

All these forces of darkness cannot stop God from His work in our lives. 

Let this darkness not stop us from continuing the desire to fulfill
 the purpose for which we were created. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Mother's Day Love

One of my old hymns that I loved playing and singing was,
 "What a friend we have in Jesus."

The hymn says;
 With all our grief and sins to bear.
 What a privilege to carry everything to the Lord in prayer. 

What a great truth of being able to carry everything to God in prayer. 

Now, as I look back over the many years of singing
 and believing the words of the hymn,
 I am so very grateful. 

How I have focussed many times on Him,
 taking my attention off myself, 
and placing it on the one who sacrificed 
His great love for me.

This has enriched my life many times.

Take courage.

 He will do the same for you. 

Just give him your time, 
and see the many ways 
He will make your life such a blessing, 
that you and your children and grandchildren
 will benefit from seeing a big change in you.

I believe this change in you and in your family 
will develop into an expereince so wonderful 
you will all have a 
very happy Mother's Day.

Don't forget to thank your mother
 for all the many wonderful things she has done over the year.

2 Timothy one verse five tells us that 
Timothy had a godly mother and a wonderful grandmother. 
They showed much love toward Timothy,
and it showed in his life. 

Let's be thankful for our prayer warriors of the faith.

Have a Happy Mother's Day!