Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Dreams of 2015

We are nearing the end of 

We wonder what the New Year will bring.

How about this one.

By Confucius, And I quote:

The more man meditates upon good thoughts,
 the better will be his world,
and the world at large. 

How true, don't you think?

Imagine all the grief we would spare if you and I did meditate on 
good thoughts.

How about letting that  
be number one 
on our list. 

Now, the rest is up to you.

Let's keep the dreams fresh 
in our minds,
 and work at them,
 till they're accomplished. 

For God has placed a dream in every heart; 
yours included.

Keep remembering the one that meditates on good thoughts.

Have a great year, 2015!

Thursday, December 11, 2014


"Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear- not absence of fear." 
- Mark Twain
What a wonderful quote.  
Jesus said in Luke's gospel; Chapter twelve and verse thirty two, 
"Fear not little flock".  
He didn't mean there wasn't any fear, 
he meant take heart, or take courage.
Like he said in Deuteronomy Chapter thirty-one, verse six, 
"Be strong and of good courage, fear not, nor be afraid," 
and then saying,
 "He will not fail thee or forsake thee".  

Can you and I count on Him?  
The answer is YES!  
While things around us may not look good at the present, 
let's do as Mark Twain said, 
"Never be afraid, take courage".

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Christmas Love


Who doesn’t love to think of Christmas?

The very thought brings a smile to most children’s faces.

Let’s think again of all Christmas really means. . .

 Joy, promise, peace, spirit,

and the spirit of Christmas is love.

Yes, love that brought our Savior, Lord Jesus Christ, as a wee boy born in Bethlehem,
 to be our Savior. Taking upon himself all of our guilt, our condemnation, all our sins, and in turn he gave us of himself.

I do, and don’t you, love that exchange?

Let’s become more loving and kind;

giving out and receiving this year that love he so lovingly gave us.

Merry Christmas!

Have a very bright and shining New Year!